Age Restrictive Rules in Community

A client spoke with Sean Conery, Operations Director at RowCal about associations having age specific restrictions within the community.

Communities often ask when re-visiting their rules and regulations about age specific usage rules within a community pool or other common areas.  For example: Adults only swim times. There are plenty of examples of discrimination lawsuits against associations recently as these rules can discriminate based on familial status, so this type of language and enforcement is highly discouraged.  If the desire is to have a pool more open and organized for avid swimmers, it would be more appropriate to have designated "lap swim only" times where those that want to swim laps uninterrupted can do so.

RowCal can review your HOA Rules and Regulations

It's always recommended to have professionals review Rules and Regulations when they're first being drafted or updated.  Reach out to RowCal today at 651-233-1307 if you are looking for help or guidance while reviewing your Rules and Regulations.

Mark Zubert